
Every day, when night covers the planet and it slows down, when new stars are born in the depths of space, the noise of cities dies down and crickets fall asleep, and fresh air pours over the fields – I begin to catch the vibration of space. And the magic begins. A voice from above calls and invites you on a fantastic journey into a bright world flooded with light, love, and joy. Obeying the call, I overcome space and time by visiting other planets or traveling to the past of our Earth. My consciousness will go where I have never been and there are no boundaries to fantasy. What is it? Dream or reality? Or a waking dream?
In the lilac fog, it’s like I’m flying, and magical worlds with fantastic visions arise in front of me. All this is so obvious that every little detail is remembered, every dewdrop on the grass, and every ray of light playing in colors. This is a real miracle, as pleasant as pure mountain water and the Magic of every day. And these tides of joyful desires for creativity are repeated every morning.
Displaying this world in my paintings, I want to convey to you the salute of my crazy bright feelings so that you believe in good magic as much as I do.

Examples of some images created for puzzles and paintings from 2020-2021.

Examples of some images created for puzzles and paintings from 2020-2021.


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Examples of some images created for puzzles and paintings from 2020-2021.

Art, Interview, Magazine,

Art, Magazine,