Vanessa Hernández Cruz (she, her, hers) is an emerging Chicana disabled dancer, choreographer, filmmaker, poet & activist. She was born and raised in Los Angeles, California.


Vanessa Cruz
Los Angeles
Dance, Art, & More

A still image from Vanessa's dance film "Static, Void, Distortion"
[Image Description: Photo of Vanessa sitting in an enclosed space. Her leg braces are visible and is holding a lamp making the environment mysterious. Vanessa is looking down and away.]

A photo taken by: Charles Mark-Walker This is from Barak Marshall's piece: “And at midnight, the green bride floated through the village square…”
[Image description: Vanessa has a dark green dress her arms are above her shoulders folded where here hands are meeting her forehead. Her face is mostly hidden except for her lips and chin. Her rollator is black and red and it is in front of her. Background is black with a spotlight on her.]

A photo by: Charles Mark-Walker taken from the piece "Identification" by Vanessa Cruz & Ariel Scott
[Image Description: a photo of Vanessa in a light-grey long sleeve dress, in a dance action shot. She is beside her pastel blue walker getting ready to put the break on it. She is looking diagonally down with purpose. She has her dark hair partly down with a golden-blond streak. She is wearing stage makeup with a dark red lipstick.]

Titled: "V" A photo of an 8x10 mixed media piece created for the dance film "DNA: Disability Not Ability"
[Image Description: a rectangle canvas with a filled out letter “V”. It’s filled with a bunch of pyramid studs. Around the shape of the “V” is paint dripping. the colors range from neon pink, green and yellow.]

Dance Photograph by Paula Kiley
Image Description: a colored photograph of Vanessa dancing in a sunlight dance studio. She is intertwined with her purple walker. She is wearing a velvet tulle dress. Top is dark blue with black long sleeves and the tulle bottom is a creamy color. Vanessa is looking down with curiosity. Her brown dark hair is in a ballet bun. Black text bottom left reads: “Photography by Paula Kiley”

Mixed Media Artwork: 8x10 Title: "Metal Flesh Can Still Pick flowers" My Featured Artwork in my Dance Film “What You Fear In Me is My Revolution”
[Image Description: There is a pink/blue/purple lighting. A multimedia canvas that has a bunch of small felt flowers with rhinestones in the middle of each flowers. The fleet flowers are arranged in a circle. In the inner circle are felt flowers of various colors (red [Center], pastel pink, pink, pastel purple, yellow, pastel green) surrounding these flowers is an outline of gold glittered covered navy blue felt flowers. Surrounding this circle of flowers are a pattern arrangement of metal gears of various metal adorned with opalescent rhinestones (Metal colors: silver, gold, rusted color brown) and small flower charms (roses and daisies). The pattern alternates with one section of gears followed by a section of flower charms all the way around the circle of flowers. The background color of the the patterned arrangements, alternates with the colors blue and purple. ]

Two paint dripped hexagon canvases. This was featured in "DNA: Disability Not Ability"
[Image Description: white background. two pentagon canvases. The top one has blue, shimmery pink and black spirals. The bottom has neon green, pink, shiny pink, and dark blue spirals.]

Titled: "Organized Confusion" A photo of an 8x10 mixed media piece created for the dance film "DNA: Disability Not Ability"
[Image Description: Top: a rectangle canvas with pyramid studs in each corner. It has an abstract acrylic pour design with the colors: blue, pink, green and gold. ]

Titled: "Metallically Aligned" A photo of an 8x10 mixed media piece created for the dance film "DNA: Disability Not Ability"
[Image Description: a canvas with the first half dripping with neon paint, and the bottom half is aligned with pyramid studs.]

Titled: "Televised Human" A photo of an 8x10 mixed media piece created for the dance film "DNA: Disability Not Ability"
[Image Description: a rectangle canvas with paint dripping down with the colors: neon yellow, orange, green, pink, metallic purple. At the bottom are gears, and two small TV wooden cutouts. Inside there are pyramid studs, glitter, rhinestones. In the bottom corners are studded pyramids stacked together.]

Titled: "Illusive Gears" A photo of an 8x10 mixed media piece created for the dance film "DNA: Disability Not Ability"
[Image Description: bottom: a rectangle canvas with paint dripping down in the colors: neon orange, pink, yellow, blue. There are various gears shaped into a “V”]

Titled: "Metal Insides" A photo of an 8x10 mixed media piece created for the dance film "DNA: Disability Not Ability"
[Image Description: a red lit rectangle canvas. there is red and black paint dripping down. There are circular designs done with the pyramid studs. At the bottom of those designs are a bunch of gears.]