Konjungate Wallet
where ever you go
Dive into the blockchain ecosystem and learn about Konjungate, the Art Blockchain. Get familiar with the future technology and support your favourite artists with KONJ.
To apply to join wendy.network, fill out your profile using the “Join now” Button on the site.
To ensure the authenticity of members, people signing up must conclude to the Terms of Services of wendy.network. wendy.network reserves the right to review submitted information on their background and deny further access into the platform once the requirements are not met.
Here are two quick video on how to join the wendy.network and setup your profile.
Once you’re registered, build out your profile. Add your biography, choose a profile picture and header image and start posting about your art, exhibitions, projects, publication etc. Browse the wendy.network to connect to other artists from around the world and follow their work.
Yes! Anyone can sign up and browse on wendy.network and create content. To join wendy.network as a non-artist, click “Join now” to fill out your profile. Choose your role to be added to the community section of the page.
wendy.network members have the access to:
What the video the get an overview about the different sevtion on the page, like Artists, Community, Magazine, Opportunities and so on:
You can post about your art projects at large, and also share your opportunities, publications, your studio visits, your interviews and anything related to your work. Get feedback and creatively collaborate with your fellow artists, curators and viewers.
If you are copying text from anywhere, PDF, Word Doc, Website, and you paste as normal, it will keep things like the spacing, bolding of letters, etc.
If you select the Paste as Text function and the icon is highlighted, then it will post the copied text without the same formatting, such as the spacing, bolding, etc.
To turn this function on, open a new or existing Text Element. Select the text form the website, email, etc that you want to paste in the Text Element. Then click on the “Paste as Text” icon (the second from the right) and paste your copied text in the text box. It will paste without the formatting copied from the original text.
There are two ways to change your password.
If you are not logged in, you can click on “Forgot your password” in the Login page. Or just go directly to the reset password page by clicking here.
If you are logged in, you can change your password by going to your profile, clicking ‘Settings’, then ‘Manage password’.
If you are logged in, you can insert or change your Konjungate address by going to your profile, clicking ‘Settings’, then ‘Manage Konjungate address’.
There are a ‘Create Post’ and ‘Create opportunity post’ button in the Settings page or in your profile page. Just click on it and a creation page should appear.
Both work the same but opportunity posts give you the possibility to add a deadline for e.g. an artist residency application or other opportunity you are offering.
How to use the View and Edit mode:
For an article (post), the required fields are:
optional choose a category
Then add rows with the content you want to provide.
For an opportunity post, the required fields are:
optional choose a category
Then add rows with the content you want to provide.
If you are copying text from anywhere, PDF, Word Doc, Website, and you paste as normal, it will keep things like the spacing, bolding of letters, etc.
If you select the Paste as Text function and the icon is highlighted, then it will post the copied text without the same formatting, such as the spacing, bolding, etc.
To turn this function on, open a new or existing Text Element. Select the text form the website, email, etc that you want to paste in the Text Element. Then click on the “Paste as Text” icon (the second from the right) and paste your copied text in the text box. It will paste without the formatting copied from the original text.
Yes, you can always modify your post. To modify, click on the post and then edit. Click “Save Changes” to do so. You can switch to view mode by clicking on the slider top right (switches between Edit Mode and View Mode).
You can find a list of all your posts by going to ‘Settings’ and ‘View all posts (list)’. Use the tedit icon to edit posts from there.
wendy.network will never sell your personal data. Only you and the wendy.network team have access to your personal data that you have entered into the platform. Your data protection is important to us and our platform is fully compliant with the GDPR rules. For more details, please read our Privacy Policy.
After creating your profile on wendy.network, you can begin the process of filling in your profile with your work. Navigate to your profile and make sure you are on “Edit Mode” and scroll to below your profile picture and username, to the section “Page Builder” where you can add elements. The Elements are the sections on your page where you can add images, videos, text, audio, and galleries to your profile. Once you select the medium type your would like to add, upload the media to your profile and save the changes.
KONJUNGATE – The Artbased Blockchain To change the funding of Artists and Institutions. Based on the cyber novel MACHFELD by Michael Mastrototaro © 1999
Konjungate will chance the funding of contemporary Art and Art-Institutions using blockchain technology to change the way of contemporary art funding.
Konjungate is a mixed validation coin with POW/POS. More information on the coin on github: https://github.com/Konjungate/Konjungate-Core
You can also download the wallet here on github: https://github.com/Konjungate/Konjungate-Core/releases
KONJUNGATE is the art based blockchain. It appears as a Media Art project to decentralize the funding of international contemporary Artists and Organizations. It’s based on the cyber novel MACHFIELD by Michael Mastrototaro.
There’s different kinds of cryptocurrency wallets with different purposes and for different requirements. Here is where to download the Konjungate wallet:
https://github.com/Konjungate/Konjungate-Core *
When it opens just click on “receive” and you can find your own address. Then you can upload it easily to your wendy.network profile on settings.
CryptoArt (or crypto art) is an emerging art form that relies on the concept of blockchain technology.
It defines itself as being:
Through blockchain technology, it is possible to trustfully trace the ownership of art pieces. Authenticity becomes reliable: this way the market value of pieces that would often be copied and distributed in masses keep their value. Essentially, digital art sales get introduced to digital scarcity and through proof of ownership and the artwork it keeps value, creating a more ethical way of paying artists.
But it’s also possible to tokenize existing art pieces. Therefore it’s democratizing fine arts investments.
(Complied by Rita Palma.)
wendy.network showcases contemporary artists and gives access to curators, exhibition organizers and collectors.
wendy.network connects artists to art lovers and funding opportunities and provides an easy way to access contemporary art.
wendy.network believes in the power of community, art and the power of the people. Support artists, not just artworks.
Konjungate Wallet
Dive into the blockchain ecosystem and learn about Konjungate, the Art Blockchain. Get familiar with the future technology and support your favourite artists with KONJ.
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