Dance and movement artist based in Europe.
I work with public spaces, gender roles, boxes.


Diana Shepherd
Gendered Boxes
(A quarantine exploration.)
A quarantine exploration.
Art. State.
I am an explorer. I am a movement artist. I am a questioner for the unanswerable. I am feminine. I am autonomous. I am a person in conversation with the world. I am gently in motion. I am simultaneously on balance, while falling off.
I plan. I plan randomness, which leads to the illusion of chance. I mix gestures with linear movements. I observe, silently, and from those studies, create. I live in a world of contradictions. I find the place, then pop. I bring the unheeded to the forefront. I investigate the language of the body, and use it. I find comfort, then tiptoe the line of uncomfortable-ness. I is singular, but I am not alone.